Message from the Provincial

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly” Jn: 10:10

We celebrated 160 years of the foundation anniversary of the congregation and we are proud that our life and mission is touching many lives in the world. We are privileged to be part of this journey with Euphrasie Barbier, our Foundress whose vision and mission continue to inspire not only the RNDM across the globe but also many who are associated with us. Founded in France in 1861 our congregation spread in many parts of the world giving service to the people of our time through education, social development and pastoral ministry and health care with special care for the women, children, youth, indigenous people and migrants.

Euphrasie Barbier discovered more deeply the mystery of God at work in her life through prayer and the experiences of life. Through deep contemplative prayer she came to understand that the Divine Missions of Jesus and the Holy Spirit continue to bring about transformation in our world. It is for the glory of God that her sisters dedicate their lives. Let us entrust our whole life into the HEART of the Trinity and be ready to do anything and go anywhere because “It is in prayer and a close union with God that we find enlightenment in doubt, consolation in troubles, an invincible force in the midst of difficulties and success in the works of zeal entrusted to our care.” Euphrasie Barbier

As we face this pandemic, war and unrest in different parts of the world, let us take a leap of Faith into the unknown and keep trusting in the promises of God who offered us life in its fullness and calls us to be ready for new adventures beyond boundaries. We are a group of women fearless and free moving towards oneness for mission and who pledge to care for the earth, our common Home.

I remember with gratitude and love all our pioneers who had sown the seed of our charism and spirituality in our soil and all who continue to reap the harvest of their laborious work. I am grateful to the contribution of all who have gone before us and have paved the path for us to be true RNDM missionaries. May we continue to light the path for all those whom we come in contact with us!

Blessings and prays,

Anita Moolan RNDM
Province Leader

19 E Darga Road.
Kolkata, WB 700017 | India
Provincial: +91 6290306132
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