Euphrasie Home,
Rajarhat, Kolkata, West Bengal (2016)

The need to catering for the sisters was urgent as the ministries were growing gradually and steadily. This required a house for the sisters for treatment and rest. So the province after having discussions in various meetings decided to build a home for the sisters who need care and rest.

Sr. Anita Moolan and the Team looked for a suitable place, little away from the noise of the city but will have some access to city for hospital facilities and accordingly we have purchased a plot of land in 2007 in Rajarhat New Town, a newly developing satellite town in West Bengal We have materialized this dream with the completion of the Euphrasie Home, the house of prayer.

The inaugural function and blessing was on 14th April 2016. Prayer will be the mission and ministry of the sisters who will live here. Requests for prayer will always be welcome. Monday 4th April 2016, was a significant day for the province as Sisters Anita Moolan and Monica Riahtam were missioned to Euphrasie Home, Rajarhat to make immediate arrangements for the blessing of the house.

14th April marks the Bengali New Year Day, being the auspicious day for a new beginning, the Home was blessed by Rt. Rev. Thomas D’ Souza, Archbishop of Kolkata in the presence many priests, sisters, teachers, friends and well wishers. Sister Carmel Eberius, the General Archivist from our Generalate in Rome was present for this special occasion. After the blessing, the Blessed Sacrament was installed in the newly blessed Chapel.

On May 9, the Ascension Sunday, Sisters Mary Felicitas, Marie Vengathanam and Theresama Vellara were the first group to occupy Euphrasie Home to begin a new community with Sisters Anita and Monica. Sisters from nearby RNDM communities joined in the celebration of Holy Eucharist presided by the Parish Priest Fr. Simon and to welcome the Sisters to the new ‘Home’.

The community
Taking care of our own...